Monster Blade Hack Stark Points and ISO-8 Adder[Android/iOS][+PROOF]

2013-09-21 150

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Monster Blade HD’s intentions are right in its title. It wants to be the lovechild of Monster Hunter and Infinity Blade, both great games. However, while this game is very good, in trying to be as great as those two games put together, it hits a wall.

In true Monster Hunter fashion, Monster Blade begins with an unbeatable encounter against an evil dragon final boss.

The player’s goal is to then travel around the world, defeating lesser monsters and improving their gear for the inevitable rematch.

By their side is a cute, little creature named Ocha with plenty of great advice on what pelts to use and how to buff axes.

But while the Monster Hunter influence is apparent, in practice, the game’s RPG elements are far more standard. Instead of going on epic, tense hunts to track down key crafting items, players will be just fine with average drops of each battle.